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Composite Construction for Homebuilt Aircraft
is the only book that completely covers the field of composite
kitplanes. You'll learn how you can build the fast, beautiful, and
unique aircraft of your dreams - without expensive tooling and in less
time than you may think. Discover why they're so popular and how they
can be practical for you. This manual show you the techniques of
working with plastics, and the basics of structural and aerodynamic
ISBN 978-0-938716-26-6, $19.95
"5½ X 8½", 240 pages
Quality Paperback
Some Important Topics Covered Include:
- Using
foam/fiberglass matrixes, Kevlar, S-glass, graphite, polyester and
- Mold making
techniques, attaching other materials and fittings, inspection and
repair procedures, as well as safety and health precautions.
- The reasoning
behind lay-ups and composite sandwich designs.
- A complete
catalog of supplies, tools, materials, definitions, shop facilities,
and equipment requirements.
- Construction
details, three-view drawings, and pilot reports are included for many
of the over 20 different composite kitplanes: Lancair, Glasair,
Glastar, KIS, Seawind, Dragonfly, Express, Berkut, Genesis, American
Spirit, Air Master, Pulsar, AR-3, and the KR-2 and KR-2S.
- It's all here...
the aircraft, materials, and methods. Learn how to work with the newest
composite materials. The book shows you the subtle differences in style
and construction philosophy of the most popular composite kitplanes.
Let it help you decide which is best for you. Let it help you build the
airplane of your dreams!
- Jack Lambie,
the author, has built and flown airplanes for movies, made gliders, and
flown self-modified aircraft for over 40 years. He was on the Gossamer
Condor man-powered airplane design/construction team, which won the
coveted Kremer Prize. He has written over 150 aviation magazine
articles, and three books on building and flying kitplanes.
- Composite
Construction takes
the "mystery" out of composite kitplanes! Whether you're thinking about
building a kit, working from plans, or designing something original,
this book is for you. If you want to make modifications to improve your
present airplane, or simply keep current on the use of these new wonder
materials, this is your guide.
"Laced with wisdom, this book
resonates with Jack's good humor and sound judgment. It's for any avian
dreamer - student builder or armchair technologist. Fun to read, what
it says is well worth knowing."
—Dr. Peter Lissaman, PhD Aerospace Engineering, USC